Make it Merry, a whimsical little fabric line

& our current favorite

it’s so cute, I can’t!

Our second line to release with Marcus Fabrics, ahh! Still so surreal to say that. Designing with Marcus has been wonderful and we’re incredibly grateful for the community that has come along with it.

Make it Merry was a hard fight though – getting these colors and prints right were a challenge. I (Alex) was a little naive to think holiday fabric would be easy…spoiler, it’s not. We wanted the line to balance between vintage and a little more present-day and I really struggled. I made so many versions of the main print and it unfortunately still had to go through a few rounds of changes on Marcus’s end. It was worth it though and we’re really in love with the final result!

My personal favorite? This little quilted secondary print!

All and all I learned a lot from designing this collection and I’m a better designer for it. Our next line (any guesses what it’ll be?) was significantly easier for me to piece together and it’s largely thanks to all the challenges that came from designing Make it Merry. Funny how that works sometimes!

The real star of the show

Make it Merry, 59″ x 59″

The Make it Merry Block of Month will release in May 2025 and the program will run until October 2025, meaning it’ll be ready just in time for the next holiday season, yay!

Seeing the fabrics all together in this quilt pattern really makes us swoon, the colors play so well and that little pop of mint is just right. It’s currently being custom quilted by our truly talented friend Carie of The Creative Obsession who freehand quilts unlike any other – we can’t wait to share it once it’s done!

The full line releases in May of 2025, let us know what you think and don’t forget to mention it to your local quilt shop :)!

Happy quilting friends, stay warm & safe this winter season!

xoxo, Jennie Jo & Aelx

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